Sunday, January 24, 2010

Libby's Ballet Recital

Well, first grade has brought on more than homework and all-day school.  Libby started ballet this year.  With that came weekly practice and two big time recitals - one in December and one in June.  Now, if you knew Libby, you would know that she is one of the girliest girls I've ever dressing up in a pink costume and getting to wear make-up is right up her alley.  I'm really glad.  I thought when I had her that I would not know what to do with such a girlie girl.  But, I've decided that when you see the look on their face when they love that Christmas present that is just make-up and glitter or when they see themselves dressed up thinking they are as pretty as a bride, it doesn't matter.  It's what makes them happy and glowing that makes me happy.  And she is beautiful.  First inside, and that flows to the outside.  I'm so proud of her.

á bientôt!

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About Me

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I don't think that there is a much higher calling than being about to stay home with your children. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to work out of my home, while being able to raise my children. I also love that I have found an outlet for my creative juices! I began taking art lessons in 2nd grade, but since having my three children have not had much time to draw and paint. Photography has become my creative outlet that I needed so badly. I take great joy and pride in doing my best to capture your special moments!