Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Great Dinosaur Adventure....

Some of my great friends came in town this last weekend and stayed with me and my family.  We had planned to take pictures of their kids, but it stinkin' rained ALL weekend.  To make up for this tragedy - a tragedy that my flowers were happy about, but my camera was not - we took all our kids to the Sam Noble Museum of Natural History in Norman.  We figured that if we could keep them occupied for a photo shoot, we had dinosaurs around the corner to reward them afterwards.

So meet my friends, Grant and Trent.  Almost exactly one year ago, Grant was diagnosed with Leukemia...on his third birthday.  He is one of the cutest little boys I've ever seen.  His mom and dad are two of my very good friends.  So much so, in fact, that when I read some of their blog about the last year, it affects me as if it was my own kids.  Seeing people that you consider family hurt in ways that you cannot fix is one of the big tests of this world.  One of the greatest testimonies their family has is their great faith in Jesus and how this sickness had actually strengthened their faith and their family - not driven them away.

So when they asked me to take pictures of their precious boys - I jumped at the chance.  I mean, seriously...are they not just as handsome as they could be?  We wound up getting some great shots in our impromptu photo shoot.  Enjoy!

Here is one more...of all the kids together.

It was so hard to pick just a few!  If you would like to see more of these photos, visit my website.  

á bientôt!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those kids are so cute! Great pics! -Sarah-

About Me

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I don't think that there is a much higher calling than being about to stay home with your children. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to work out of my home, while being able to raise my children. I also love that I have found an outlet for my creative juices! I began taking art lessons in 2nd grade, but since having my three children have not had much time to draw and paint. Photography has become my creative outlet that I needed so badly. I take great joy and pride in doing my best to capture your special moments!