Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ruth and Justin Engagements...

So, Ruth and Justin are one of the winners of my FREE engagement shoots that I gave away at the Bridal Fair in OKC this last January.  We had a lot of fun running around the city finding some great places to take some pictures.  Since I had never met either Ruth or Justin before the engagement shoot, we took a few minutes in my car to figure out some fun things about them.  We used some of the information we found out about them to take some of our shots that day.  Here are some of my favorites that we took....enjoy!

á bientôt!

This is probably my favorite collage of the day!  Can you guess the hidden meaning?!!  I'll give you a clue...they are getting married this April.  So fun!!  I think I may try this a few more times this spring.  I think I might have fallen in love with this idea.

When Josh and I ask questions, we usually ask what they engaged couple like to do a couple.  We use those questions to come up with a unique pose or two that will be set aside just for that couple - to make their shoot different from anyone else's.  With Justin and Ruth, we had a really funny response.  They told us that what they usually did as a couple involved Justin working on cars and Ruth waiting for him to be finished!  I couldn't resist!

Here are just a few more of my favorites that we took that evening:

1 comment:

the soon to be skinny girl said...

Hey friend! These are sooooo good Miranda! I love to see all your great work. I'm kind of a wannabe photographer, but I really don't have a clue! I love to see what the pros are doing!!! You are very inspiring!! Hope you are doing well!

About Me

My photo
I don't think that there is a much higher calling than being about to stay home with your children. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to work out of my home, while being able to raise my children. I also love that I have found an outlet for my creative juices! I began taking art lessons in 2nd grade, but since having my three children have not had much time to draw and paint. Photography has become my creative outlet that I needed so badly. I take great joy and pride in doing my best to capture your special moments!