Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Myles Jack

This is my new friend, Myles Jack.  Myles is only one week old in these pictures!  He was so much fun to work with, and his mom came up with some great props to take pictures with.  I was so excited.  His dad works a lot with Habitat for Humanity, so I made sure to get some of the pictures of Myles in his dad's Habitat hard hat.  They turned out absolutely adorable.  Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

Cintia Listenbee said...

gorgeous brand new baby!

About Me

My photo
I don't think that there is a much higher calling than being about to stay home with your children. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to work out of my home, while being able to raise my children. I also love that I have found an outlet for my creative juices! I began taking art lessons in 2nd grade, but since having my three children have not had much time to draw and paint. Photography has become my creative outlet that I needed so badly. I take great joy and pride in doing my best to capture your special moments!